Thursday, 30 April 2009

The Power of Partnership

Why we need each other.

Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Ecclesiastes 4: 9-10 NLT

In today's world of superstars, brands and celebrity endorsements, it is easy to believe that the world belongs to the lone ranger, the solo achiever and the independent mind. The truth is, however, that "one is too small a number to achieve greatness" (John C Maxwell). Every lone ranger needs a Tonto, every entrepreneur needs the support of bankers, staff and other experts. We simply cannot change the world on our own.

This is why I want to dedicate this blog entry to partnership and, more specifically to a little known partnership in the Bible. In the books of Ezra and Nehemiah in the Old Testament we read the story of how the people of Israel came to arrive back into their own land after being in exile and how they came to have a rebuilt city and the foundations of a new temple. They went from being scattered refugees in danger of losing their identity to being a people rededicated to God, with a purpose and vision.

In the middle of this incredible story we find Ezra and Nehemiah. The former was a theologian, an incredibly intelligent and godly scholar with sharp leadership abilities and a hunger for the Word of God. The latter was an official, an administrator and leader par excellence. He also became an efficient project manager and a godly governor with a passion for God's people.

Often, we read their stories separately. We read about Ezra's passion to bring the people back to God and marvel at how he could marry amazing scholarship with life-changing speech. We read about Nehemiah and learn lessons about leadership, priorities and dealing with opposition.

But in Nehemiah 8 and 9 we see them working together. The walls of the city has been rebuilt, the people are safe from immediate danger. At this point, Nehemiah takes a back seat and allows Ezra to step forward and teach the people how to live. Nehemiah had rebuilt the physical walls, now it was Ezra's time to rebuild the spiritual lives of the people.

This is partnership. There is no question here of Nehemiah being threatened by Ezra's gifts and talents. Nor is there ever any question about Ezra worrying about Nehemiah's practical skills crowding out time for the Word. The spiritual and the practical need to be brought together and that will take the skills and dedication of both men.

I believe that the key to all achievement lies in real partnership. Not partnership on my terms, lasting as long as I still "win." But partnership that goes deeper, partnership that realises that without you, I cannot succeed; without me, you will not reach the goal. In my own life, I realise my own weaknesses and I deliberately seek out people with expertise in those areas to either teach me or help me. I also try and find ways of helping others, giving them the boost they need to get to the next stage.

There is nothing like helping someone achieve their best or being part of a team that aims high and makes it. So, what partnerships do you have in your life? When was the last time you admitted that you need help? When was the last time you sacrificed some of your life to help someone else? Are you "me" centred or "team" centred?

Life is too short and too hard to try and go it alone. But together, we can change the world. That is the power of partnership.

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